Tag Archives: feedback


I subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog and his musings and jottings arrive in my email box with impressive regularity. I like the way he views the world. He is concise and thought provoking- a real change catalyser.

Today, to prove my point, he sends this;

The first 1,000 are the most difficult 

For years, I’ve been explaining to people that daily blogging is an extraordinarily useful habit. Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing it is clarifying, motivating and (eventually) fun.

A collection of daily bloggers I follow have passed 1,000 posts (it only takes three years or so…). Fortunately, there are thousands of generous folks who have been posting their non-commercial blogs regularly, and it’s a habit that produces magic.

Sasha,Gabe, Fred,Bernadette and Rohan add value to their readers every day, and I’m lucky to be able to read them. (I’m leaving many out, sorry!) You’ll probably get something out of reading the work of these generous folks, which is a fabulous side effect, one that pays huge dividends to masses of strangers, which is part of the magic of digital connection.

What I’ve found is this–after people get to posting #200 or beyond, they uniformly report that they’re glad they did it. Give it a try for three or four months and see what happens…

So guess what? Inspired by Seth who has an unerring ability to tap into my thinking, I’m setting myself a challenge to get back into the habit of writing.

I’m not aiming to be profound. I’m not even aiming, at this stage, to be consistent in my messaging or style. However, the aim is to make it happen, every day for 30 days minimum. And to not get stressed about searching for appropriate visuals or correcting poor grammar. If visuals are there and grammar is correct, consider this as a bonus.

To help I’ve created a new category called “Snippets and stories” and my 30 day practice blogs will sit in there; festering for attention.

So if  any of my wee stories, poor grammar or stylistic literary phrasing catches your imagination or attention, please give me feedback. It’s all good and it’s all appreciated.


A blog for the reader…



This site is for those curious  about change.  The concept of change.  The act of change.  Changing yourself. Changing times. Changing others.  My aim is to provoke or encourage you to think about how you live your life, how you view others,  or events, how to become more resilient and to help you be clear about your opinions and actions.  Sometimes I may be provocative or you’ll read statements or thoughts you don’t agree with.  Great! This diversity of thought and belief is what makes our world so interesting.   Sometimes, I’ll use some of my change tools and techniques (after all this is what I do for a living).  I’ll also use my recent time off work and adventure with mouth cancer as these experiences have taught me to think, act and speak differently.

This blog continues to be a “work in progress”.  Some posts flow more easily than others – this is life isn’t it?  Some days it’s easy and others mean that hiding underneath the duvet or behind a spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation,  is more enticing.  So you may find posts which don’t appeal but if you keep popping back, you may find others which resonate with you.  I write about wide and varied subjects and thoughts, and from the heart.  I aim to always be authentic and open and at the same time, I know there is often much more to learn.  So if you feel you can contribute,  expand or change my thinking, please leave a comment.  And if you just appreciate what I’m trying to say press’ like’.  It’s always great to receive feedback!

Thank you for reading.
